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NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Oregon

Are you an early career scientist interested in affective science? Join our discord community!

Education and Experience

  • NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2023-
    University of Oregon, USA

  • Visiting Scholar, Approach-Avoidance Motivation Research Group, 2024
    University of Rochester, USA

  • Visiting Scholar, Stanford Psychophysiology Laboratory, 2022-
    Stanford University, USA

  • Visiting Scholar, Social Psychology Research Group, 2023
    Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

  • Provost's Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2021-2023
    University of Pennsylvania, USA

  • SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2019-2022
    University of Toronto, Canada

  • PhD in Social, Personality, and Health Psychology, 2015-2019
    Carleton University, Canada

  • Visiting Scholar, Social Cognition Center Cologne, 2018
    University of Cologne, Germany

  • MSc in Social Psychology, 2013-2015
    University of Victoria, Canada

  • BA (with distinction and honours) in Psychology, 2009-2013
    University of Rochester, USA

Kaitlyn M. Werner, PhD is an NIH Diversity Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Social and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory (Mentor: Dr. Elliot Berkman) at the University of Oregon. She is also a research affiliate collaborating with the Stanford Psychophysiology Laboratory (Mentor: Dr. James Gross) at Stanford University. Previously, Kaitlyn was a Provost's Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, a SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Research Fellow and UTSC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Affective Science and Health Laboratory (Mentor: Dr. Brett Ford) at the University of Toronto, and completed her doctoral studies in Social, Personality, and Health Psychology in the Goal Pursuit and Self-Regulation Lab (Mentor: Dr. Marina Milyavskaya) at Carleton University. 


Beginning July 2025, Kaitlyn will be a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide in Australia.


Dr. Werner's research takes a multi-method and interdisciplinary approach to understand the factors that facilitate successful self-regulation, emotion regulation,

and well-being. She also has a strong interest in measurement (e.g., construct and ecological validity), advanced quantitative methods (e.g., multilevel SEM, Bayesian statistics), research design (e.g., experimental, longitudinal, EMA), and meta-science (e.g., transparent and reproducible research practices). 

About Me

Recent News

  • Our symposium, Embracing Complexity to Advance the Science of Self-Regulated Behavior Change, was accepted to be presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Denver! This symposium was co-organized by Blair Saunders and Kaitlyn Werner, and features work by ourselves alongside our amazing colleagues, Traci Mann and Wilhelm Hofmann.

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  • Our symposium, Emotional Mechanisms of Behaviour Change: Implications for Theory and Practice, was accepted to be presented at the Annual Convention for the Association of Psychological Science in San Francisco! This symposium was co-organized by Michelle (Lani) Shiota and Kaitlyn Werner, and features work by ourselves alongside our amazing colleagues, Stephanie Marita Carpenter and Jennifer Lerner.

  • Our team was awarded the Committee for Inclusive Community Research Award from the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon! Led by Kaitlyn Werner, alongside a team of fabulous mentees, Denicia Aragon, Sylas Wilson, and Ava Arom, we will examine the associations between socioeconomic status, emotion regulation strategies, and health behaviour.



  • Kaitlyn Werner was awarded an Unrestricted Travel Grant from Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology!

  • Kaitlyn Werner was awarded an NIH Diversity Supplement Grant from the National Cancer Institute! In collaboration with Elliot Berkman, this grant supports our project, Regulatory flexibility and smoking behavior: Examining within-strategy variation in effectiveness as a function of craving intensity.

Upcoming and Recent Presentations

  • March 2025: Innovation Forum at the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Portland, OR. Topic: Emotion Regulation Flexibility: Addressing Conceptual and Methodological Challenges (with Brett Q. Ford, Derek M. Issacowitz, Elise K. Kalokerinos, & Gal Sheppes).

  • March 2025: Symposim at the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Portland, OR. Topic: Unpacking reappraisal: Considering heterogeneity in reappraisal tactics to enhance emotion regulation (co-chaired with Andero Uusberg, with speakers Andero Uusberg, Helen Uusberg, Kaitlyn M. Werner, & Ashish Mehta).

  • February 2025: Research presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social and Personality Psychology, Denver, CO. Topic: Unpacking behaviour change strategies: Considering, goals, tactics, and outcomes (with Elliot T. Berkman & James J. Gross).


  • November 2024: Research presentation in the Early Childhood Cognition Laboratory at Duke University, Durham, NC. Topic: Why we do hard things: An affective science perspective.


  • August 2024: Research presentation in the Perth Emotion and Psychopathology Lab at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Topic: Emotion regulation flexibility.

  • May 2024: Research presentation in the Stanford Psychophysiology Lab in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Topic: TBD 

  • May 2024: Research presentation at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. Topic: Integrating self-regulation and affect science perspectives to promote health behaviour change: A process model framework (with Elliot T. Berkman & James J. Gross).



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