Kaitlyn M. Werner, PhD
NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Recent News
Our symposium, Embracing Complexity to Advance the Science of Self-Regulated Behavior Change, was accepted to be presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Denver! This symposium was co-organized by Blair Saunders and Kaitlyn Werner, and features work by ourselves alongside our amazing colleagues, Traci Mann and Wilhelm Hofmann.
Our symposium, Emotional Mechanisms of Behaviour Change: Implications for Theory and Practice, was accepted to be presented at the Annual Convention for the Association of Psychological Science in San Francisco! This symposium was co-organized by Michelle (Lani) Shiota and Kaitlyn Werner, and features work by ourselves alongside our amazing colleagues, Stephanie Marita Carpenter and Jennifer Lerner.
Our team was awarded the Committee for Inclusive Community Research Award from the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon! Led by Kaitlyn Werner, alongside a team of fabulous mentees, Denicia Aragon, Sylas Wilson, and Ava Arom, we will examine the associations between socioeconomic status, emotion regulation strategies, and health behaviour.
Kaitlyn Werner was accepted into the Navigating Educational Trajectories (NET Neuro) fellowship program at the Center for Translational Neuroscience at the University of Oregon!
Kaitlyn Werner was awarded an Unrestricted Travel Grant from Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology!
Kaitlyn Werner was awarded an NIH Diversity Supplement Grant from the National Cancer Institute! In collaboration with Elliot Berkman, this grant supports our project, Regulatory flexibility and smoking behavior: Examining within-strategy variation in effectiveness as a function of craving intensity.
Upcoming and Recent Presentations
March 2025: Innovation Forum at the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Portland, OR. Topic: Emotion Regulation Flexibility: Addressing Conceptual and Methodological Challenges (with Brett Q. Ford, Derek M. Issacowitz, Elise K. Kalokerinos, & Gal Sheppes).
March 2025: Symposim at the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Portland, OR. Topic: Unpacking reappraisal: Considering heterogeneity in reappraisal tactics to enhance emotion regulation (co-chaired with Andero Uusberg, with speakers Andero Uusberg, Helen Uusberg, Kaitlyn M. Werner, & Ashish Mehta).
February 2025: Research presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social and Personality Psychology, Denver, CO. Topic: Unpacking behaviour change strategies: Considering, goals, tactics, and outcomes (with Elliot T. Berkman & James J. Gross).
November 2024: Research presentation in the Early Childhood Cognition Laboratory at Duke University, Durham, NC. Topic: Why we do hard things: An affective science perspective.
August 2024: Research presentation in the Perth Emotion and Psychopathology Lab at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Topic: Emotion regulation flexibility.
May 2024: Research presentation in the Stanford Psychophysiology Lab in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Topic: TBD
May 2024: Research presentation at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. Topic: Integrating self-regulation and affect science perspectives to promote health behaviour change: A process model framework (with Elliot T. Berkman & James J. Gross).